BOOK US US 2005 (Belmo Publishing) - ISBN 0-9734838-1-4
Paperback, 23x23cm, 148 p. (Autographed) + CD
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The Beatles are the most covered and parodied band in music history.
From tribute and parody records, cover songs, Beatles in the media, novelty records, tribute bands and Beatle mentions in songs,
Belmo has uncovered a treasure trove of Beatles tributes and images. This book is a testament to the continuing legacy of the musical and visual genius of The Beatles.
DisCover for yourself the immense wealth of Beatles history mostly ignored until now.
Inside the covers of The Beatles DisCovered you will find:
- Beatlemania and the artists and songs it inspired
- The songs The Beatles gave away
- Detailed information on The Beatles covering other artists, themselves, solo tributes, and solo cover songs
- 4200 cover songs from every genre imaginable
- Reviews of tribute albums recorded by everyone from George Martin to The Chipmunks
- Nearly 500 tribute albums with complete recording infomation listed
- Over 300 parodies of Beatles jacket sleeves by other artists
- A history of comedy, novelty and cash-in records
- A listing of 600 tribute bands worldwide and an overview of the phenomena
- The controversial BeatleSongs cover art and interviews with the artist and the founder of Rhino Records
- Rutlemania and the true story behind the legendary Rutles
- The influence of bluegrass music on The Beatles
- Beatle parodies found in print and on television
- Details on nearly 900 novelty and comedy records
- James Bond and The Beatles meet face-to-face
- Hundreds of illustrations of rare albun cover art, jacket sleeves, parodies in the media, and novelty records