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Nalyssa Green - Imagine

December 2020 - Athens. Electronic 2020 instrumentation, modern clean and to the point. A beautiful version.

Foivos Zacharopoulos - Eleanor Rigby

March 2020 - Athens. Metal elements in a soft Greek sauce. Intruiging and new.

Paolo Nutini - Don't Let Me Down

2014 - Paolo makes this song her own. Impressive, new and full of meaning

Billy Preston (Concert for George) - Isn't it a pity

2002 - Live concert to honour George Harrison. With Eric Clapton, Dhani Harrison etc. The love for George and his compositions is overwhelming.

The Faces feat. Rod Stewart - Maybe i'm amazed

1972 - My favorite McCartney solo composition performed in a very convincing rock version by Rod Stewart and The Faces. The Faces were former members of the Small Faces. Since 1974 Faces member Ron Wood is a Rolling Stones member.

Leslie West - Old brown shoe

2003 - Hard to see the original version in this shouting heavy version but Leslie created a fine own new version of this George Harrison song.

Aimee Mann and Michael Penn - Two of us

2002 - From the soundtrack of the film 'I am Sam'.

Elvis Costello - You've got to hide your love away

1994 - Always in his own special interpretation, almost as if he is talking to you, the listener.

Hooters - Lucy in the sky with diamonds

1987 - Slowly, very slowly this is working up to a climax of sorts. Released on the B side of a 7" single.

Fiona Apple - Across the Universe

1999 - Almost whispering and nothing will change her world indeed.

Gary Clark Jr. (From The Justice League Movie Soundtrack) -

2019 - One of the heaviest versions of Come together that I know.

Vow Wow - Helter Skelter

1989 - Japanese metal band does a typical eighties version of this 1969 song.

Louis van Dyke - For no one

1970 - Louis van Dyke plays the churchorgan. Improvising through Bach and more, you're in the church. Amen

- Peter Sellers - She loves you (Dr. Strangelove version)

1964 - Peter Sellers as Dr. Strangelove. The end is spectacular.

And engins too...

Dutch street organ 'De Turk' - Beatlesmedley - Arrangement: Tom Meijer

2013 - Dancing young children in front of this Dutch street organ 'De Turk', based in Deventer.
A typical street organ sound with its typical street organ arangements...

Dutch street organ 'Jonker' - Hey Jude - Arrangement: Tom Meijer

2017 - Starting at the organ book the filmer walks around the organ. The working of it is more visible.

Dutch street organ 'De Reiger' - Penny Lane

2022 - This Amsterdam street organ does Liverpools Penny Lane and the puppets on front move their hands. Great street organ sound!

Music Box - Beatles Medley

Just a very small music box. Nice video though.